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About Us

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Our Vision


The Lord's Ministry House is a movement meant to raise believers up to a higher elevation in their walk. Through in-depth, meaty teaching of the Word, we are doing some higher-level climbs in breathing Life into believers. Because above the clouds we can clearly see from peak-to peak, the reality of the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness that is your inheritance as a God’s child.

In Jesus, you are already fully equipped to conquer and rule over any mountain in your life. We just want to help explain all that equipment!

Revelations 4.1 + Romans 5:17


Our Mission

Training school for believers

Establishing the Reign of God on the earth one person, one church, one city, one nation at a time is no small task. It’s what Jesus has commissioned us all to do before he even left! Climbing a mountain this large takes the skill and equipment of every believer to do their job in acting as part of the full body that is The Church.

At The Lord's Ministry House, we’re committed to reach out to pray for, to love, and to serve anyone who comes in contact with us. We are determined to intercede, teach and preach the Word of God, until the Spirit of God is poured upon us, in the greater Hamilton & Niagara region… and until we see the Glory of God manifested in our nation and throughout the earth!

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Our Values

PAssionate Living for god

All the assignments and anointing on this house flow from the desire to help believers firmly plant their roots so they can see the fruits God has for them.

It starts with getting over the hump of not knowing how to pray, so that you can dive into his presence with ease, to be constantly refreshed, inspired, and filled by Him! When we can live intimately, daily seeing him face-to-face… that’s when our fearless living in the continual presence of Perfect Love, will overflow to a dry & dying world.

Psalms 1.2-3 + Psalms 24.6


Our Beliefs

WOrd-led + Fed

We’d love for you to just dive into our media section & listen to a podcast or two! But if you’ve been around religion & want to know how our church is situated, feel free to click below for our core beliefs.

We are somewhere in that Grace / Word-of-Faith space, with an Evangelical / Pentecostal tradition. But we think that, no matter what your background, there are some tools here that will truly benefit your spiritual climb!

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For frequently asked questions, tap below! or use our search bar for even more.


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Quick Info


465 Mohawk Rd E — Hamilton, Ontario — L8V 2H9 | Email:

Morning Service: Sunday 3.00pm | Bible Study: Tues + Wed 7.00pm (Zoom) | Prayer: Friday 7.00pm (Zoom)