The Believer’s Handbook
Every believer has already overcome all problems the world has to offer… but the measure of victory you experience climbing mountains is directly related to your skill in applying faith to that mountain! This book is about overcoming, being victorious, and having good success. The way you do that is by building your faith. So Pastor Taylor has compiled a collection of Word-saturated confessions, meditations, prayers, and insights for you to build that tool-set.
Faith grows as the Word of God becomes engrafted in your hearts (James 1.21, Psalm 45.1, Proverbs 3.3). Through Word-based confessions (Luke 17.6), and through correct, informed, and consistent biblical meditations (Habakkuk 2.1, Psalm 1.2), your faith will become more effective (Philemon 1.6). Prayer, from the place of humility and the fear of the Lord, has a dynamic power to keep your hearts sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit (James 5.16, 2 Corinthians 3.5-6). For we know, that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and continuous victory (2 Corinthians 3.17). The prayers in this book will deepen your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading, and it will provoke a spirit of humility and the fear of the Lord. This book will help you align your thoughts, speech, mental images, attitude, believing, and behaviour to agree with God’s Word!
God’s Word coming out of your mouth has power to produce His goodness and stop the works of the enemy in your life and the lives of others. However, many of God’s children don’t know how to talk right. This book makes it easy for you to talk right. This book will teach you how to talk in line with God’s Word.
Top that mountain!
Perfect Love
For those under a weight of sadness, for those wrapped in a blanket of rejection, for those who want to be free of anxiety... come as you are, you are welcome here! We are here to build you up, to help you climb, to help you mature, and to serve & love you as we would our own children. You are God's child, and this is His house! This is your house.
A house permeated with an un-controllable, un-quenchable, un-defeatable, Perfect Love. This is not just a house for Hamilton. We’ve been called to cast the net as far as possible over this earth… for all believers to understand some simple truths that will help each and every one of us to perfect that perfect love the world desperately needs to feel.
“There is no fear in love. Fear expects punishment , but a perfect love drives out that fear. If you walk with anxiety… you haven’t realized yet what perfect love means! ”
1 john 4:18 (TPT, AMP)

Simple Truths
What God has called us to do is, not to build a church in the traditional sense of Sunday School & Worship Service… but rather, it is a call for the maturing or perfecting of the believers (Colossians 1.28). The key to that process is becoming skillful in functioning in righteousness (Hebrews 5.14). And the key to that, is learning how to apply the truth of Christ’s sacrifice to our everyday lives. And specifically, what our role in that sacrifice truly is.
That’s a big bite!
Yes, it seems heady… but it’s so, so necessary. That’s why we want to help break it down into everyday, simple & practical language. Many of us are not even aware of our need to grow-up a little, much less having a hunger to do so! It’s amazing to have pump-up preaching that speaks to our heart & emotions… but needed in equal measure, is the slower teaching that builds the foundation of a mature, fearless, fruit-filled Christian (Hebrews 6.1).
Climbing mountains is a possibility if we can latch-on to these simple truths
Freedom from feaR THROUGH PERFECT LOVE...
1 John 4.18 + Isiah 54.14
Grace flows through righteousness...
Romans 5.21
Christ’s Sacrifice answers your problems...
Hebrews 10.14
fearlessNESS THROUGH righteousness…
1 John 4.17 + Proverbs 28.1
Colossians 3.4
Total victory through righteousness…
Isaiah 54.17
Clear as mud?!
There’s a whole lot more where that came from… but we know this is still not simple language! So we’d love for you to click through for our mini-dictionary of terminology, to de-spiritualize & clarify some of this language:
“Through one sacrifice he made us perfectly clean + perfectly complete for all time!”
hebrews 10:14 (TPT)